A Perfect Version of Myself

Losing Weight is Hard

Roll With It December 15, 2009

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tara @ 3:14 pm

I’m down 2.2 lbs this week.  It was a good week, albeit a tough one.

This is such a hard time of the year!  Between being so busy that it’s been hard to hit the gym more than twice a week to going to events where the purpose is to eat, I’m really struggling.

This weekend, I attended two Christmas parties, one concert and had dinner and a movie night with my closest friend.  I’ll be honest, I really tried to watch what I was eating – except for the french fries on Sunday night – but it’s been difficult!  I also deeply miss the gym.  I’ve only been able to get there once this week and twice last week because I’m just so darned busy!

I’m actually kind of thankful to the bookstore to be honest.  I think running around there, hefting books, bending, squatting and just plain being on my feet has really helped in the weight loss department.  It’s not as effective as the gym would be, but at least it’s SOMETHING.

Have a good week everyone!


3 Responses to “Roll With It”

  1. MizFit Says:

    I LOVE what you said about the bookstore.
    TOTALLY my philosophy this time of year.
    find the movement when you can—routine is right around the NEW YEAR corner!


  2. Janet Says:

    Sounds to me like you are doing AWESOME! To actually lose, especially that much, at this time of year is incredible. I’ve sort of given up until January. Which is ummm…only 14 days away now? Oh dear.

  3. Chibi Jeebs Says:

    Any movement is good movement, right? I’m feeling the not-enough-time crunch, too (or, I’m using it as a convenient excuse to skip workouts *blush*). I hope you have a good week, too! 🙂

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